About the Solution Example Prototype

The following is a prototype for a Problem-Based Learning Environment targeted for graduate students of Instructional Design. It was designed by Jennifer L. W. Korjus for a class project and used here with her permission. Print a copy of the Prototype Review Form (Adobe Reader required) to help you analyze how this prototype implements a Problem-Based pedagogical model.

The prototype is an educational product and is not for distribution. The source materials used herein are copyrighted by their authors/publishers, and their inclusion here is for demonstration purposes only. If the prototype were developed, appropriate permissions would have been obtained. In order to view this site, you must have javascript enabled in your browser, and you must accept cookies. Certain functions, such as the bulletin board, are mock-ups only; their limited functionality is enabled solely through cookies. If the prototype were developed, an access database and appropriate data source name files would have been created on the server. Students lack the authority to manipulate the server, and the functionality here is, therefore, limited. Finally, the prototype was envisioned to include dynamic case generation and simulation capabilities. Again, as no server access has been afforded, these functions are not enabled in this prototype. Any external links referenced in this solution example are not under control of the developer and may change or expire over time. External links open in a new window; close the window to return to this prototype.

Each solution example prototype opens in its own window. The companion website window remains in the background. Minimize or close this prototype window to return to the companion website. You may refer to the scenario description or to other sections of the companion website as you explore a prototype, or you may open multiple prototypes and compare them.

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Online Learning: Concepts, Strategies and Application
© 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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